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5 Simple Ways to Break Free from What’s Holding You Back and Start Living Fully

Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “Why can’t I just get out of this rut?” Maybe you’ve tried different diets, workout plans, or even mindset shifts, but something always seems to stop you. You’re not alone. Studies show that nearly 80% of people who start a wellness journey never finish it, often because of the emotional and mental barriers we all face. It's a bit of a challenge, isn't it?

Interestingly, experts like Dr. Peter Gagliardo have shared that these barriers often have less to do with our abilities and more to do with our mindset. He says, "It's about rewiring how we see ourselves." That’s pretty encouraging, right? In this blog, we’ll explore what might be holding you back and—more importantly—how to move forward, one step at a time.

What’s Holding You Back?

Sometimes, the hardest thing about making a change is understanding what's really standing in our way. It’s not always the lack of willpower or resources—sometimes, it’s fear of failure or the comfort of sticking to what we know. Have you ever felt paralyzed by the thought of failing, even before you’ve tried something new?

Another common roadblock is perfectionism. Maybe you’ve told yourself that you need the “perfect” time, plan, or conditions to start. The truth is, that’s just a sneaky way of putting things off. As Dr. Gagliardo points out, “Perfectionism is often a cover for fear.” So, maybe it’s time to ask: Are you waiting for the perfect moment, or are you ready to take action now?

And then there’s the exhaustion factor. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel drained before we even start our day. If you’re always tired, it's hard to imagine squeezing in anything else, especially something that requires energy, like improving your health or mindset. But there’s a way through all of this, and it starts with some small changes.

Discovering the Path Forward

Now that we’ve uncovered some of the things holding you back, let’s talk about how to break free. One of the first steps is to start small. You don’t need to overhaul your entire life in one day—honestly, who has time for that? Instead, focus on creating small, consistent changes. Did you know that habits only take 21 days to form? Imagine what just three weeks of small improvements could do for your life.

It’s also important to surround yourself with the right mindset. You might wonder, “How do I do that?” Start by thinking about the person you want to become. What would they do daily? How would they talk to themselves? What goals would they set? One trick is to “act as if”—begin living as if you’re already that future version of yourself. That simple shift in perspective can be incredibly powerful. You don’t have to be perfect, just persistent.

Simple Steps to Start Today

Alright, so what are some easy, actionable steps you can try right now? First, pick one habit—just one—and commit to doing it every day for the next three weeks. It could be as simple as drinking more water, getting 15 minutes of exercise, or practicing 5 minutes of mindfulness each morning. Try this: instead of thinking, “I’m going to lose weight,” tell yourself, “Today, I’m going to take one small step toward feeling better.”

Another step is to find an accountability partner—someone who will check in with you and celebrate your wins, no matter how small. This could be a friend, a coach, or even a supportive online group. When you share your goals with others, it becomes more real, and it’s easier to stay on track.

Finally, give yourself some grace. It’s easy to be hard on yourself when things don’t go perfectly, but that’s not the point. Progress over perfection—that’s what counts.

Igniting Your Motivation

Motivation can be tricky—it comes and goes. The key is learning how to keep it alive even when you don’t feel like it. A great way to stay motivated is by remembering your “why.” Why do you want to change? Is it to feel healthier, to be there for your family, or to finally feel confident in your own skin?

Real stories of people just like you can also help keep that fire going. Take Jane, for example—she’s a busy mom who never thought she’d have time for herself. But after starting with just 10 minutes of meditation a day, she found she had more energy and focus to tackle the rest of her life. Now, she’s running her own business and living the life she always dreamed of. It’s amazing what small steps can lead to.

Insights from Dr. Peter Gagliardo

Dr. Peter Gagliardo has spent years helping people overcome the barriers we’ve talked about. His approach focuses on helping people see that they already have the tools they need inside themselves. “It’s not about creating something new,” he says, “It’s about unlocking what’s already there.”

Dr. Gagliardo’s methods aren’t just theoretical; they’re based on real-world success. He’s helped hundreds of clients break free from their limiting beliefs and start living the lives they’ve always wanted. If you’ve ever felt stuck, his approach offers a clear path forward—without overwhelming you in the process.

Take Your Next Step Toward Change

Ready to take the next step? You’ve already done the hard part by recognizing what’s holding you back. Now, it’s time to take action. I invite you to schedule a free discovery call with me, and let’s figure out together what your next steps might be. It’s a relaxed conversation where you can share your challenges, and I can offer some personalized advice. Click here to schedule: Free Discovery Call. Let’s get started on your journey today.

You’ve got this! Your future self will thank you.

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